Refund Policy


The 3down3OFF PROMO is available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY. All players that register within the PROMO's availability will qualify for the PROMO.

The 3down3OFF PROMO is considered the Player Registration Deposit, and is a one-time use discount available for purchase by all new players submitting a Player Registration Form. One (1) PROMO per registered player allowed, 

If you are a family and have multiple players registering, each registered player qualifies for the PROMO and must have a separate deposit paid. A separate deposit is required in case not all players want to cancel their registration, and in order to qualify for a refund

Once the 3down3OFF PROMO is purchased, the refund policy goes into effect. The refund policy covers all forms of payment including cash. The refund policy is as follows:

To qualify for a refund, a "Request for Registration Cancellation" must be submitted via e-mail to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@VVVVVVVVV. A form will be e-mailed to you for completion. Once the Request for Cancellation Form is received by our billing team, a refund will be issued to you within 72 hours and according to the terms below.

Once refund is issued, the PROMO and the discount for the promo no longer qualify and is considered used by the player. Should the player later decide to come back, the PROMO is still considered used and cannot be used again. There are no other current promos available at this time.

If Registration Cancellation is requested...

  • 3pm the day prior to the first day of KICKOFF WEEK; a 50% refund will be issued.
  • ...after 3pm the day prior to the first day of KICKOFF WEEK; a 25% refund will be issued.
  • ...the first day of, or at anytime during KICKOFF WEEK, and even if player participated; a 25% refund will be issued.
  • ...after KICKOFF WEEK concluded, even if player participated, AND before Program Placement Announcement; a 25% refund will be issued.
  • ...after KICKOFF WEEK concluded, even if player participated, BUT after Program Placement Announcement; no refund will be issued.

No Other Refunds.

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